June 25, 2013

Adapted Physical Education Resources

Action for Healthy Kids focuses on teaching children how to live healthy and active lifestyles from a young age.  A large focus of this website is nutrition and fighting childhood obesity. 

PE Universe is a forum for videos and discussions in the Physical Education Field.  Some of the discussion topics included activities for rainy or hot days, field day activities, modifications for APE classes, advice on receiving a credential in PE.

Electikids is a website for teachers to incorporate fitness at any time throughout the day.  Downloads are available on the website to show to the students and lead them in fun, high intensity physical activities.  

The Special Olympics is a great program for children with all abilities.  Their focus is creating a world of inclusion where all are accepted and encouraged.  This is a great place for a child to get involved with team sports.

The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability gives plenty of activities to do with children who need modifications in Physical Education. 
Adaptive Aerobics is a great resource for different aerobic activities for children with disabilities.  It also informs teachers of what muscle groups the students are using during the activities. 

Teach-nology offers software that can track physical activity, keep a food and nutrition log, and build team rosters.

The Carol M White Physical Education Program provides grants for Physical Education Programs to boost activity that meet the state standards.

ESchoolNews provides grants for schools, grades K-12.  This is a great resource for teachers to buy equipment for their students who may need modified equipment.  

AAHPERD is a great resource for all types of Physical Educators, including General Education PE and APE Teachers.  AAHPERD gives plenty of up to date research in the field of physical education. 


  1. Hi Vanessa- I love the way your weblog is looking, you have a great list of resource from your community and surrounding areas. How helpful it will be to refer others to your blog.

  2. Hi Vanessa Fadden,
    Thanks for discuss the topic about physical education resources. Physical education are become a very useful task to focus on teaching children. I like the post and wait for you next post about related in physical education software or resources topic.
